Thursday, March 25, 2010

Blog 7_ Reflection

The first time I came to this class I thought it was going to be boring, but them it got really interesting. Having the same classmates everyday is good, makes me remember my high school years…. It’s the first time I am doing this blogs. Its really fun and it’s a different way in which you can see what other people think about stuff we read and I can also put my thoughts, it’s a different way of communicating and a cool way to share your stuff. I am looking forward to learn new things and improve my self.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Blog 6_ The Matrix

The Matrix is a science fiction movie released in 1999 directed by Larry and Andy Wachowski. In this movie Neo is a hacker played by Keanu Reeves gets recruited by Morpheus played by Laurence Fishburne, who offers him the chance to learn to learn the truth about the Matrix. Morpheus gives neo the choice; he offers him a red and blue pill. The blue pill is to return to the world that he knows and he will never remember anything that happen there, while the red pill will take him to the matrix and will see the truth, Neo takes the red pills and goes into the matrix. It takes time until he realizes he is not living 1999 that was a simulated reality and that instead it was close to 2199 and the world was controlled by machines. He learns all kind of abilities, techniques and movements by just connecting itself to the machine and loading all this into in his memory. A prophesy makes Morpheus believed Neo is The One, no machine could destroy him and at the end he finally start believing on himself, becomes the savior of human race and making the prophecy reality.
In this movie the gender wasn’t really important at all. Males and females had the same abilities as anyone, women can be as strong as men, had similar abilities like karate, kung fu, kick boxing, learning how to flight plane, helicopters anything, it just have to request it to the computer and it will be immediately in their memory. I would rather to live in the matrix and stop living in an illusion. I would like to live in the matrix because it’s a way I can help free the human race from the machines.
In this century machines are taking over everything, any kind of job has to be done by the help of a machine and in some cases you don’t need humans for this job. For example in the supermarket they have the self check out in which you check out yourself in a computer. Some supermarkets no longer need humans to do this job, for them is cheaper to do this, but what they don’t realize is that machines are taking over all humans works slowly and we are becoming machines at the same time. Slowly human race in becoming dependent on any electronically device like; cell phone who can live without them??? or the iPod. Nobody can live without a computer they will be disconnected from the world. We are not living in the matrix, but we will suddenly 20 years from now or 30, who knows. But the main point is that we are more dependent on computers day by day. The names that some of the characters have in the Matrix movie have a meaning, the main character Neo is definitely the one if you reorder his name neo to one and how all the characters life’s are connected to each others, I think this is the most obvious thing you will noticed in the movie.

Blog 5_ Semester Plan

The first assignment that I always do every week is from the class mass
media and society. This class I have once a week and every week I have
one assignment from it. I always try to accomplish this first so it will
give me to do the rest of assignment. In the English class we have to be
always having to be done with the blogs and with the readings. On my film
class we have to remember the terms and analyze every movie we watch,
this week he had to analyze a film and fill the pages 18-22. Louis is
going to post the midterm this week, so I’m going to check and see how is
it going to be and how can be ready for it.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Blog 4_ Truman Syndrome

The Truman Syndrome is a disorder or delusion in which a person believes that all of his or hers movements are being are being watch by someone or that there are being follow by this imaginary people. In 1998 a movie called “The Truman Show”. This movie is about a man whose whole life was being recorder in a live television show. He was trap is his own island, but the main thing was that he didn’t know that his life was being recorder and transmitted live trough national TV. All this happens since he was born. After this movie some cases were appearing in The United States and in Great Britain, psychiatrics called it “The Truman Syndrome” based on this movie. Patients describe their lives as mirroring themselves as Truman from “The Truman Show” main character of this movie played by Jim Carry. Patients start having some paranoid thoughts having fear to the internet and web is monitoring or controlling their lives. Most of the patients that psychiatrics treat mention their lives compared to Truman’s life. I search this syndrome and found various cases; some patients had similar symptoms of paranoid and their all are related to the movie “The Truman Show”.

Blog 3_ Truman

3. During an interview, Christof states the following: "I have given
Truman the chance to lead a normal life. The world, the place you live
in, is the sick place. Seahaven is the way the world should be." Is
Christof correct? What, if any, would be the benefits of living in
Seahaven as opposed to the real world?
Seaheaven is a city where all actions go around Truman life’s
since he was born. Christof says "I have given Truman the chance to
live a normal life". Christ is incorrect by saying this because he is
controlling all Truman’s movement having him trap in his own world
christof world. The cameras that he put to control all Truman’s
movements making sure he doesn't get out of his world. Christof and his
crew create lots of forms to keep him in his world, had their own TV.
Channel, just showing what he need to see. Some of the benefits of
living in Seaheaven are that there are going to keep you away from any
danger or disease. You are going to live in decent and normal place,
with people with manners and educated. Now in this century the world is
plague with violence in the streets. Wars between countries, the world
now goes around money, in Seaheaven you wouldn't have to worry about
anything, all the good things would be settle for your present and

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

blog 2_ Allegory of the cave

The allegory of is cave is a theory that shows how can people only believe in what their eyes have seen all his life. Is about a group of prisoners chained in their arms legs and necks and all that they have seen all their life since childhood is a wall with fire in its front and all they see is shadows. Watching these shadows they use to play games by trying to guess with kind of shadow with come up. One prisoner escape and with a lot of fear he goes out the cave and realize that that their world is more than just a simple cave, looking for the first time at the sun, clouds etc. fascinated with this he went back to the cave to let his friends know about this but they think he was crazy by saying that those shadows where real people outside the cave. When people are raised only in one kind of environment is going to be their world until they know there is more than just what they know.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Blog 1

In this century people have become more attached and dependant in technology. We are slowly becoming cyborgs. A Cyborg is a human body who has certain physiological processes aided or controlled by mechanical or electronic devices. Cell phones, computers, IPod, metro cards and etc, are electronic devices we use in a normal day of life.
Day by day we are getting more attach to the electronic devices. In my own experience the first thing that I do in the morning, when I open my eyes is to check my cell phone. I can be without it; this electronic device has become part of my life. If am not texting or talking on the phone to someone and I am on the internet checking my email or in links like facebook, myspace, etc. I carry my cell charger everywhere in case it gets low battery. so i will say i am a cyborg.